Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Our church puts on family movie nights about 4 times a year. The latest one was on April 28th and we got to watch Sing. We had seen this movie at the cheap theater, but Michael had to take Zeke out since he was misbehaving so he hadn't seen the end of the movie. 

We bring blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and the kids come in their jammies. We get to sprawl out on the floor in the auditorium and watch the movie on the big screen. They do keep some chairs up in the back for parents to sit in, but I really like being with the kids and snuggling on the floor with them. I will say it's SUPER uncomfortable though!!! I need to remember and bring pillows and extra blankets for me. The floor is rock hard and it just kills my back. 

The best part about the whole thing for the kids is getting to spend their money on candy! The church gives everyone a free bag of popcorn, but they have to purchase the candy. It's super inexpensive and honestly a $1.50 would get you enough for the night. I did let my kids bring all their spend money with them....they didn't have a ton since it was the end of the month and they hadn't gotten paid since the beginning of April. I think Jack had the most and I heard later that he walked up, put his baggie of money on the counter and said....I'm here to buy candy! When I came in later Ms. Jenny stopped me and let me know that she had cut Jack off because she wasn't sure if I was okay with him spending so much money on candy. Hilarious! I told her that it was his money to spend so he can buy as much as he wanted too. Of course I didn't actually take a picture of Jack with his pile of candy..figures right! I was hoping that he would get an upset tummy so he would learn through natural consequences, but he never said anything about it hurting afterwards. Crazy boy! 

The movie was so much fun to watch in a big group. The kids got into it and were clapping and stomping and some were dancing and jumping. So fun!!!

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