Saturday, May 13, 2017

Sunny Weather AKA True Washingtonians!

On May 3rd the sun came out! I know shocking since we live in Washington right!!! 

The kids were so ecstatic that they wanted to get their swimming suits on and run around in the new sprinkler. 

This is the fire hydrant sprinkler I picked up for $4 at Value Village a few weeks back. 

The kids had it on the setting where the top spins around and flings water in a circle. It also shoots water straight up. 

They were ready to go! 

Running and jumping! 

This is the picture I posted on Instagram! Love the action shot! 

I think they might have been discussing who gets to decide which setting it's on! 

Silly kids! 

They are definitely true Washingtonians! 

I sat on my bench and enjoyed watching them have fun. Zeke did come over to snuggle with me once he was finished. 

Later Ella and I needed to run to Bartell's to try to find her some dye free allergy medicine. While we were gone Michael was having fun playing dodge ball in the back yard with the boys. 

Ella joined right in course! 

The grass was the playing field. Michael finally had to make a rule that if Owen and Jack ran back into the gravel they were out. Silly boys kept running away. 

The garden wall on the other side of the yard was the boundary for Michael, Zeke and Ella. 

Michael also had to put a stick in the middle of the yard to signify where the field was split in half so the boys would stop running over into the other side of the field. 

Jack's looks like he's a sheriff and he's about ready to bring out his big guns!  

The funniest thing was while we were gone Michael and Zeke actually beat Owen and Jack and they were chanting undefeated...undefeated. Then Owen and Jack won a game and they were chanting undefeated over and over. That line from The Princess Bride popped into my head "I do not think that word means what you think it means!"

It was really nice to be able to have fun outside and not be freezing or getting soaking wet! I'm so ready for summer weather all the time! 

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