Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Zeke's Dinosaur Party!!!

Zeke is obsessed with dinosaurs! He knows all their names and he knows all their strengths. So I knew when I started planning his 5th birthday that it was most definitely going to be a dinosaur theme. 

I made Zeke's invitation using my My Memories 5 program. I will say this was so frustrating.....they have updated the program and a lot of things have changed. I wanted to go back to the My Memories 4, but it's not supported by either of our computers. After working for what seemed like weeks I was finally able to create something that I was happy with.\

I used the same dinosaurs from the invitation to create his birthday banner. 

The food was fun! You can't see the sign, but it says was BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches. I didn't really get a picture of the center piece, but it was Owen's volcano surrounded by lots of dinosaurs. 

Bugles were the Dinosaur toenails. 

The veggies were for the Herbivores!

Grapes and chocolate eggs were the dinosaur eggs! 

These strawberries were dinosaur teeth! 

It was such a beautiful day out we set up a few tables outside. Uncle Ry was in the middle of chewing he's not really mad at me for taking his picture....or maybe he is...who knows! ;P
Addison, Anna and Ella were enjoying the food for sure! 

We had so many kids at this party. It was awesome! 

Reagan, Andrew, James, Josiah, Jaymes, Owen and Kendahl

Another table full of kiddos! I love it!!! 

Caitlynn, Kendra, Lilyann, Grace, Asher, Audrey and the birthday boy himself! 

There were actually some parent that were present as well. Brandon and Elaine were being silly here....mainly just Brandon! 

Kara, Christina and Aunt Stephie! 

Aunt Stephie & Uncle Ry! 

I know that for the most part the kids just want to play with each other. I don't want to take away from that with a ton of games. I had found these cute tiny dinosaurs on Amazon and thought it would be fun to go on a Dinosaur hunt. The Mommy dinosaurs....the printed off pictures of dinosaurs were sad because their dinosaur eggs had been stolen by some big mean lady. It was the kids job to go hunting for the eggs and return the right dinosaur babies to the right mommies. 

Ready for hunt....ROAR!!! 

They were off! After the game started I realized quite quickly I should have explained things a little better. I figured since I didn't give them anything to collect the eggs with they would go get one, open it, find the right dinosaur mommy and then head back out. I should have known better. Of course those older boys were all about finding the most eggs. They were able to carry quite a few in this hands/arms. 

Pa got this nice shot of the chaos from above. 

I think there were a couple kids that didn't actually find any eggs at all....there were 40. 

Thankfully no one seemed really upset. 

Once the eggs were found the sorting began. 

This one goes with that mommy! 

Michael helped the kids....there were exactly 8 of each dinosaur. 

We thought we were short at first, but I miscounted in one "nest".

After we were sure that all the babies were accounted for each of the kids got to choose 2 dinosaurs to take home. 

Which dinosaur should I choose?!?!

Lily chose an Ankylosaurus & a Triceratops.

Zeke wanted 2 Velociraptors!

I can't really tell what dinosaurs Asher was so fun though because it almost always the kids first response to hold their dinosaurs up to their faces. I was having to say hold them down so I can see your face. 

I'm pretty sure Audrey had a great time...look at that smile!!! 

Jackson and his Velociraptor & T-Rex! 

Grace wanted 2 Stegosaurus'!

The parents avoided the chaos and stayed on the deck. 

This was Brandon and Elaine's first time to come together to one of our kids parties together. Elaine and her girls came to Ella's tea party in February. They have been so fun to get to know better and our kids just get along so well. I love it when you make friends that have kids and they all get along and like each other as well! 

I guess I did get a picture of the centerpiece afterall! 

I gave Zeke the choice of opening presents or having cupcakes and he chose the cupcakes first! Zeke and I had worked together to make the little paper toppers. I have a dinosaur stamp set that we used and then we punched them out and put them on a toothpick. Zeke also helped me make his homemade chocolate cake and frosting. 

5 candles on one cupcake!!! 

Zeke still doesn't know how to blow directly away from him. He usually sits out his lower lip so all the air goes up. 

It took him a few tries, but he got them all out on his own! 

Thankful to have a picture of Michael and I together! 

The cupcakes were so good! 

Kendra even asked for seconds! 

Chocolate smile!!! 

A totally unexpected thing that happened at the party was this amazing photo backdrop. Michael's Dad bought it for the kids! 

Showing off his dinosaur teeth! 

At first the kids weren't sure what to do. 

They were just standing and getting their picture taken. 

Owen did decided that should pose like he was punching the T-Rex. 

Smile with the dinosaur! 

Such a cutie! 

Then Micah showed them how it should be done! 

The kids really got into it after that! 

He is too much!!! 

Ella's wide open mouth was hilarious! 

James....I think that dinosaur might get you! 

Brandon though the reason the dinosaur was so upset was because he couldn't breath so he needed his nose picked!!! 


Reagan I think you might be a dino snack!!! 

Then it was present time! 

The first gift he open was from Lance, Rachael and kids. This T-Rex is awesome....his eyes glow, his head and mouth move while he roars and he can walk. I thought I wasn't going to get it away from him. I even said..."Okay everyone can go home now this one present was enough!" Silly boy! 

Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie got him a Paw Patrol coloring book and 2 Paw Patrol games. We've already played both of them and they are super cute! 

Micah, Kim and kids got Zeke two of the Switch 'N Go Dinos....Zeke loves them! 

Brandon, Elaine and kids got Zeke this deluxe water balloon kit. Asher was sure that he and Zeke were going to get to smash balloon into the girls faces! I about died when Brandon told me that! Tone it down little buddy! We will for sure be having them over for a water balloon fight and hopefully there will be no smashing in anyone's face. I know I'm party pooper! 

Kara & James got Zeke this huge set of Marvel Comic Action Figures!!! 

Zeke also got a $15 Cold Stone Creamery card from the Kuch Family and a gift card to Wal-Mart from Papa & Grandma Martin. 

Then it was time for Ga-Ga & Pa's present to come out. Poor Ga-Ga was sick during Zeke's party so she missed out on seeing him open it, but I'm sure Pa showed her the pictures. 

Pa brought the bike in and there was also a card and a cardboard T-Rex!! 

He covered it with a dinosaur blanket of course! 

Zeke spent the whole time we were setting it up snuggling with his face in Aunt Stephie's chest. She was so happy to get snuggle time! 

Check it out Zeke!!!


Zeke has never really been interested in riding a bike. He is all about his scooter!! Recently he got on Ella's Elsa bike and he's been wanting to ride it all the time. I let my mom know that a bike would be a great gift. At first I thought a 14 inch bike would be perfect, but then when I saw him riding Ella's 16 inch I changed my mind. Yes, it's a bit too big right now, but the kid is only going to get taller. I texted Ga-Ga and found out that she had already bought a bike and she thought 14 inches looked too big so she got a 12 inch bike. Hahahaha! Needless to say she had to return it and then buy this one. I had been trying to find a dinosaur bike of course, but I couldn't find one so the next best thing was this awesome Hot Wheels bike. It makes revving sounds and had these cool tires...he loves it!!! 

More pictures of party guests! 

Papa & Grandma Martin & Michael! 

Rachael and baby Jaymes! 

Uncle Ry, Christina, Kim, Elaine, Brandon & Lance! 

Aunt Stephie, Kara and me! 

Uncle Ry, Aunt Stephie and Pa! 

Christina and her big boy Caleb! 

After presents were all finished it was time for some fun with T-Rex! 

Pa had made this T-Rex to hold another part of Zeke's present. In it's mouth it had a giant container of Cashews. Zeke is always picking through all the mixed nuts and only eating the cashews so now he has a whole container to himself. 

That's a big dinosaur! 

And a well loved dinosaur! 

This kid is hilarious! 


Side Note: While I was sitting chatting with everyone after the presents had been open Ella called me over to the stairs. I asked her if she could come to me and she said she couldn't because she wanted to only show me a surprise. Surprise.....she re-pierced her own ears!!!! Backstory....we got Ella's ears pierced years ago and then they closed up when Michael took her earrings out because they were bothering her and we went to Disneyland and forgot to put them back in. A year or so later we got them pierced again...this time Ella wore earrings that didn't have a locking back and the back of the earring ended up getting embedded in the back of her earlobe. It was awful! We had to pin her down and pull it out of her earlobe. It was very painful and there was blood and a big hole in her earlobe. I knew I did not want to even attempt to pierce her ears again until she was 10 years old and I was going to take her to an actually body piercing place because I really wanted to make sure that we weren't going to damage her earlobes. Well...she took matters into her own hands and just pushed her earrings through. She said the right one was easy, but the left one she had to push harder. I was just so shocked!!!! 

I had no idea that Pa was going to make that big T-Rex. It was a total surprise and a big hit as well! 

Pa & his boy! 

Zeke had an amazing birthday party and we owe that to all the amazing family and friends that came out and celebrated with us! We are so blessed!!! 

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