Sunday, July 2, 2017

Father's Day!

The day before Father's day Jack and I were heading to JCPenny's for his birthday pictures when we got stuck in horrendous traffic. I didn't know that they were shutting down 3 lanes on northbound I-5!!! Needless to say I had to call JCP's and reschedule....for the second time. We ended up taking the very next exit and headed to The Dollar Tree so I could buy gifts for an upcoming Bunco night at church and so Jack could buy Michael a Father's day gift. Later in the day I was able to take the other 3 kiddos as well. 

On the morning of Father's day I got up early to get ready and to make Michael breakfast. We were going to have french toast, but then I realized that we didn't have enough milk or enough time if we wanted to get to the first service at church. So I ran out to Safeway and got the next best thing...donuts! After breakfast the kids got to give Daddy all their gifts. 

Jack's school gift was this cute picture of himself with a mustache. The title was I "mustache" you these questions about my Dad. The funny ones were....Do you know my dad eats Pizza? NO WAY! Michael would rather eat anything but pizza! Do you know my dad says "calm down"! This made us laugh so hard because it's so true! 

Jackson got Daddy Rolos and Milky Way! 

Owen made Daddy a card with a fisherman and his huge catch of fish! 

Owen also wrote this super awesome letter to Daddy. If you can't read it it says, "Dear Dada, Let God's light shine into your heart and let that light fill you up with love for God. Spread His word to other people. I love you Dada I think you are the best dad ever and I hope that you and me will love each other and always have a good time. Love Owen Martin P.S. We can go to the movies I pay for tickets you pay for popcorn and drinks and I pay for candy. Just you and me at the movies.

More candy for Daddy and me since Michael doesn't like Hot Tamales! 

Since Zeke's not in school yet and I'm lame he didn't have anything homemade for Daddy. Just the candy would have to do! 

Ella made Daddy a purple tie with things written in it about him. For instance....Dad's job is water worker. Dad's favorite thing to do is watch a movie. Dad's superpower is fixing Mama's computer!!!! Hahahaha! 

More yummy candy!!!! 

At church Pastor Andy called all the Dads up so he could pray over them. Ga-Ga & Pa were at church with us so he was able to go up as well.

They also got a little gift. They all got Mr. Goodbars, but instead of them saying Mr. Goodbar they said Mr. Good Dad!

Just like at Mother's Day they had a fun backdrop set up for photo ops! These kids are SO blessed to have a Dad that loves them and is a true presence in their everyday lives! 

I'm blessed to get to parent along side this amazing man. He's a wonderful gift from God! 

I'm also super blessed to have a Dad that loves me and supports me in everything I do. He's always been there for me and I know he always will be! Love you Dad!!! 

After church we headed to Red Robin for lunch! Unfortunately just like on Mother's Day I wasn't feeling the best....I had been having vertigo since the day before Father's Day. I wasn't super motivated to make Michael a nice dinner and I did apologize for it. However after dinner I did make up for post to follow!

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