Friday, July 21, 2017

What A Beautiful Life!

On Saturday July 8th we celebrated the life of Michael's Mom. It was held at his parents church in Auburn.

The stage was adorned with pictures of Mom and flowers that had been sent to honor her! 

Later on after the first picture was taken they actually found another easel so the picture on the right didn't have to lean on the floor. 

Some of the pictures were from before her Alzheimer's had taken it's toll and couple were from the more recent years. 

The one on the far right is from years ago....Mom was quite stylish! 

In the foyer of the church there was a reception desk that we placed Rick and Carol's wedding album on. There were also bookmarks with Mom's picture the date of her birth and dead and also a sweet saying about Carol Dancing With The Angels. 

On another table in the foyer of the church we put more pictures of Mom, a scrapbook that was made for her as a graduation was all about her life. We thought it was fitting to display Mom's Americana Disney Jean Jacket since it was her favorite. My SIL Shana did all the flower arrangements that were on this table and all the tables in the reception area. She did a great job! 

After the emotional part of the memorial was over we ate wonderful food...thank you Jon and Becky....then we visited! I think that's one of the best things about funerals or memorials....they truly bring people together. I honestly think that this would have brought Mom the most joy! We are family, but lets be happens! Days turn into weeks that turn into years before you see some people. I decided that since we were all together we might as well document it.

It started with a few of the cousins! 
Camryn, Stevie and Avery! 

Then we got all the cousins involved! Back row L-R Paige, Camryn, Stevie, Avery holding Zeke, Cooper. Front row L-R Ella, Samantha, Little J is standing in front of Sam, Jackson and Owen. 

It's in the genes!!!! 

Then I thought why stop there we need a picture of all the kids and their spouses! 
L-R Michael & I, Becky & Jon, Shana & Steve and Rick & Michelle. 

Then we decided to toss Dad into the middle of the craziness!!! 

Then we took individual family pictures! 
Shana, Steve & Stevie. 

James was the only cousin that was missing...he's younger and Shana felt that it would have been hard for him to attend.

My brood! Owen is not quite tall enough to be standing behind Jack, but I didn't notice that at the time. 

Jon, Becky, Camryn & Samantha!!! 

Cooper, Avery, Rick Jr holding Little J, Michelle and Paige in front. 

It really was a beautiful day....celebrate the life of a beautiful woman!

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