Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Office!

Just for fun I thought I'd share pictures of my office. 

It's funny because I have actually moved more things around since this picture was taken. The black printer on the left wasn't hooked up and I really didn't care for it to be so I took it out. I'm connected to the big printer/copier so I just use that instead. I found a really nice file organizer so I put that in the place where the printer was. I love my window and keep the curtains open all the time. There is a huge tree right outside my window and it's been so fun watching the leaves change colors. 

The first picture and the picture above are taken right when you walk into my office. I had to bring in some decorations from home. I love sunflowers...they make me happy! I also love the word Joy so I brought in my Joy craft that I made for MOPS last year. This cabinet is the same one we have in our home office. I'm still trying to make the best use of it. Some of the stuff in the boxes isn't even stuff I use. Soon I'm going to be doing a major overhaul of the storage room in the office so I'm sure even more stuff will get moved around then. 

This is the view I see when turn around while I'm sitting at my desk. I was so excited to see that night big wall. I had been wanting to print out my favorite picture of the kids on canvas, but I didn't really have room for it at home. I love that I get to turn around and see my babies. It really is a big picture 16 X 20, but that wall is big too so it doesn't look as big as I thought it would. I really would like Michael to build me a barn wood frame to go around the picture and that will help bulk it up a bit.

On a side note: I had never used Mac products before and was quite nervous when I found out that was what was in the church office. Pastor Andy assured me that I would catch on quickly and end up loving them. He was absolutely right!!! I love my Mac computer at work! I'm not going to rush out and purchase one or get myself an iphone, but it nice to not feel completely inept. I'm still learning for sure, but I definitely feel more confident in my abilities now. 

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