Sunday, January 14, 2018

Baking Day!

On Monday, December 18th after I got home from work the kids and I set out to get our baking done.  This year with me working I had to go more simple. I'm not home all day long to have the time or the energy to make a whole bunch of complicated stuff. So we stuck with quick and simple! 

Chocolate turtles are always a hit and they are super easy! Zeke picked out all the broken pretzels and then put the good ones on the cookie sheet. 

Owen and Ella worked on unwrapping all the Roles for the turtles. Sadly Jack had a runny nose so he wasn't able to help out with the baking this year. 

When the turtles were in the oven I had Zeke help me with shaking the pecans in the sugar mixture to make the candied pecans. 

He was such a good shaker he turned out all blurry!!! 

The next day after work Owen and Ella helped me pack all the goodies into these cute tins I got for 70% off at Wal-Mart at the end of Christmas 2016! I think I got 24 for around $8. 

In all we made turtles, candied pecans and triple chocolate truffles. The truffle were harder so the kids didn't help me with those. I think I do need to rethink making those because it took me until almost 10pm to finish them since there were so many steps with having to melt chocolate and then chill the truffles. I do love giving out treats to Michael's co-workers and then also to friends and my co-workers. It's always fun to put a smile on someones face!

Side note: This was during the kids first week of Christmas break and I still had to work. My best friend Kim was amazing and came over to my house on both Monday and Tuesday to watch the kids...she asked me if she could help out. I didn't even ask her!!! It was such a blessing. The kids had fun playing together and I didn't have to worry about what I was going to do with the kids. 

Thank you so much Kim!!! You are such a blessing in my life! Love you!!! 

The day after this was Michael's work party where we distributed the goodies. After the party Ga-Ga & Pa took the kids until Thursday night so I could go to work. It's so great to have so many people that support us and love us! 

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