Friday, January 12, 2018

Zoolights 2018!

On Saturday, December 9th we braved the cold and headed to Zoolights. 

This is our second year in a row going to Zoolights. Since I'm working now my mom isn't going to renew our zoo membership so we thought we'd take advantage of it while we could still get tickets for $5!! 

I can't remember what day of the week we went on last year, but it was definitely way busier this year than last. This year we had to park down at Owen Beach and we were then bussed back up to the zoo. 

The bus was SUPER warm and since we were all bundled it for the cold weather it ended up being really hot. 

Ready to have some fun with my sweet kiddos! 

Jackson got this glow stick back in November at a friends birthday party. He saved it specifically for this night. I was so proud of him for doing that. It's so hard when you're a kid and you just want to do something right away. He knew that this would be the best time to get some use out of it though. 

The line to get in wasn't long at all since we're members. The other line was a mess though. No thank you! Of course the lights were amazing! 

We couldn't have asked for a better night either. It was cold, but there wasn't really any wind! 

Being all bundled up helped. Most of us had our snow clothes on. 

Jackson wanted a picture with the tiger!!! 

That giant crab is going to get Zeke! Ahhhhh! 

When we came in we went to the right and did everything on that side and then as we came around to the middle I knew that the kids would want to eat. Ella Grace had already started to complain that she was "starving". That girl....once she's hungry there is no going on. I have learned that the entire trip will be a complete and utter disaster if we don't get her food when she wants it.

The nice thing is now that I'm working we have more money for our entertainment budget so buying food at the zoo wasn't a big deal. It still seemed ridiculous to pay $29 for two pretzels, a latte and a chicken strip basket, but at the same time that fed all 6 of us and it made everyone happy so we could continue with our nice evening so it was totally worth it! 

We invited Papa Martin to come along with us and we were so happy he did. It's been so much fun getting to spend time with him!!! 

Ga-Ga & Pa were there too! Pa did buy a box of popcorn that the kids helped him finish. He was more than happy to share of course! 

After looking at all lights it was time to head to the carousel! 

Jack and Ella got animals that were side by side. 

Ella got a pretty pony! 

Jack of course got a lion! He really wanted the tiger, but he got that last time and then realized that it doesn't go up and down. How lame!!! 

Zeke got a nice horse too! 

Owen was a little ways behind me. 

I stayed right next to Zeke while the ride was moving. 

Daddy and Pa taking picture of us riding around and around! 

I really love this action shot Pa got! 

I think in all we were only at the zoo 2 hours. I do not think that Zoolights is worth full price admission, but for $5 a person it was fun! The kids had a great time and so did we! The only major downside was trying to get home. Ga-Ga, Pa and Papa carpooled and they were able to get front row parking so they were out of the zoo in no time. We had to hop back on the bus and go back to Owen Beach. Thankfully we were the last people to get on a bus so we didn't wait very long. Plus Owen Beach was the first drop off point. The only thing was traffic was backed up so bad in that whole area. It literally took us the same amount of time we were at the zoo to get home. 2 hours!!! It was awful! Thankfully we have a van that has a DVD player and the kids had eaten or we would have had some grumpy kids on our hands. As it was we were exhausted!!! For next Christmas we want to try out someplace new....where do you and your family go during Christmas to look at lights?

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