Saturday, September 15, 2018

Jack's Baptism!

Back on Sunday, June 24th Jackson took the next step in his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized at church. 

Pastor Brian was the one that baptized him. 

He had to attend a short class prior to being baptized. Of course we've been talking about baptism with the kids for years now. All of my kids have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but none of them had been baptized yet. I was baptized when I was 7, but I didn't want them to feel pressured to get baptized at the same age I did. This is a very personal decision that they each need to make in their own time. I want it to truly be their decision and them not to feel pushed into doing it. I don't believe that baptism is a requirement to be saved and go to heaven, but I do believe that we should take part in it since the Lord said that we should. We should follow His lead and make a public proclamation that we are followers of Christ. 

One of the sweetest things that happened this morning was when Owen looked over at Jack and gave him a fist bump. They do actually care for each other. 

Time to get in the tank! 

Pastor Brian was trying to help him in, but Jack didn't need any help. 

Jack gets really nervous. He does not like attention so for him to step up in front of everyone was a huge deal. 

He did not want to look out and see all those people though. 

"Jack based on your confession of faith...I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".

We are so proud of Jackson and the decision he's made to follow Jesus with his whole heart. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him. 

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