Sunday, February 17, 2019

Wildwood Park!

After my surgery on January 10th, I needed to recover and that meant pretty much not doing anything except sitting on the couch for 2 weeks. If you know me you know that's not something I enjoy doing...I am a doer! However, I wanted to recovery and not have any set backs so I forced myself to take that time and NOT feel guilty about it. It actually ended up being really great! 

After those two weeks I was ready to get out of the house! On Saturday January 26th, we decided to get out as a family. Our first stop was Chick-fil-A! One of Michael's co-workers got us a $50 gift card for Christmas so we put that to use. I had heard that they have pretty good rewards when you order through their app. So I ordered the food ahead of time and then when we sat down I checked in with the app and input the table number where we were sitting. It was so nice to not have to stand in the huge line! It was super crowded inside though so the 6 of us did have to squish into a table that was more suited for 4. Thankfully we have little kids! 

After that our next stop was the Goodwill to drop of some things I had gone through prior to my surgery. I'm pretty sure everyone under the sun has watch Marie Kondo because the drop off line was at least 12 cars deep and it was spilling out onto Hwy 99! We decided to not deal with that so we just kept driving! 

The next stop was this park that we had played at only once before. I remembered it was really fun and not busy at all. It's nestled in a neighborhood and there isn't even a parking lot. The kids always want to go to the "Castle Park" aka Steel Lake, but I get annoyed with how busy it is, how big it is and the lack of visibility....there are just too many blind spots in my opinion and I feel like I can never fully relax while they are playing. Wildwood park is the exact opposite of Steel Lake. We were the only ones there, it's big enough, but not too huge and there are honestly no blind spots at the playground. 

The kids had been cooped up so long it was so nice for them to run wild! 

Like I mentioned in Ella's birthday post I just love the age she's at. She's all about seeing what her body can do and pushing it! 

Zeke ended up slipping off this big rope bridge, but those were the only tears of the day! 

Even this 12 year old isn't too big to have fun on the playground! 

The weather was great for playing outside! 

It was sunny, but the park is in the shade and there was a nip in the air. Perfect since the kids were running around!

Climbing all the way to the top of the spiderweb ball! 

Zeke did not want to go that far though! 

Handsome young man! 

She's so brave! 

I like how the park is so shaded...I'm sure it will feel nice on a hot summer day! 

There is actually a smaller kid play area up behind the bigger kid area. 

There are also some picnic tables, benches and a trail that goes all the way around the park. 

There's even a fun bridge along the trail and you can see the play area from the trail so you could walk around and get exercise and still keep your eyes on your kids. 

Here's the view from the other side of the play area. 

It was chilly enough outside that the benches were freezing. I couldn't take it so I actually went back to the van and got our seat cushions so I my tush didn't have freeze! 

My sweet precious girl! 

Of course no trip to the park is complete without a pinecone war with Daddy! 

When we were done at the park we headed to Fred Meyer's to get a couple things. About halfway through our shopping trip I really started hurting. Of course I had to get through the rest of the trip and I felt pretty rough. When we got home I didn't do anything except rest! It was really nice to get out and have fun with my family though! 

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