Monday, April 15, 2019

Captain Marvel!

To keep our good times rolling we decided to surprise the kids with a Family Movie on March 23rd. We wanted to go to Captain Marvel and we figured why not go in style so we bought tickets to the Century Theater with the reclining seats. The kids were so excited! 

I had bought the kids candy at the Dollar Tree so I stuffed the boxes of candy in my purse. In fact that was the only thing in my purse. We did get popcorn and soda though. 

Michael and I sat right in the middle so he could help Jack and Owen on his right and I sat next to him so I could help Zeke and Ella on my left. It really worked out perfectly and the kids loved it. 

We really enjoyed the movie too. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it with the main star saying all that feminist stuff and not wanting a bunch of white male reporters at the opening of the movie. I had also her that the movie was super feminist and I didn't really think so. Most of the main characters were female, but I didn't feel like it was bashing males. I'm all for women getting equal rights, but I get really angry when they start trashing men. I would say it was less politically charged than Black Panther. 

One things for sure....we can't wait to see Avengers End Games! 

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