Sunday, April 7, 2019

Celebrating Ella / Logan's Visit!

February was so messed up in regards to so many snow days. We were supposed to have Friday the 15th off because it was a built in snow day. Then we had the small bit of snow at the beginning of the month so that got taken away. Then the at the end of the first week snowmageddon hit and the kids ended up missing almost that entire second week except they had to go to school on the day they were originally supposed to have off. Too funny! 

Michael stayed home that Friday because he was so drained he needed a day off. Since it was the day before Ella's actually birthday we took donuts to school to celebrate with her classmates. 

Each of the kids got two powdered sugar and one chocolate. 

The kids were singing so funny it was hilarious and Ella definitely thought so! Cute girl!!! I love how everyone in her class really does look out for her. They are always so concerned about her and that kids are treating her well and also her being safe and not eating any dye. Such sweet kids! 

The morning of Ella's actual birthday we had another party to go to. It was Caitlynn's birthday...well actually her birthday had been planned for the previous Saturday, but with the snow it got canceled. Ella thought it was funny to be going to another person's birthday party on her actual birthday. While we were at the party Ella was acting all strange. She knew that Logan was coming over after the party and it seemed to me she just wanted to get the party over with and go home. I told her that she needed to go play and have fun because we weren't leaving until after the festivities and it would make the time go faster if she just went and played. She didn't want to though so she just sat next to me and chilled. The closer it got to the end of the party I start suspecting that maybe it wasn't that she wanted to go home to play with Logan, but that she wasn't feeling good. 

When we got home Ella decided she wanted to take a nap and Logan had just got there. That showed me that she REALLY wasn't feeling good. I was hoping that she was just tired and had a headache and would wake up feeling right as rain after a couple hours. Logan was so sweet and understanding. She just stayed downstairs and hung out with the boys playing with them and watching movies. 

After about an hour and a half I went and checked on Ella. She had a fever and was still feeling yucky. I didn't want her to sleep too much though so I had her get up and I gave her some medicine. Our master bedroom was still set up with the big TV from when I had surgery so we set Ella and Logan up in there so they could be together and watch girly movies. They spent almost the whole day there together. Poor Ella felt so bad though she didn't want to eat anything. Because of that I didn't make what she requested from her birthday since I wanted her to be able to enjoy it. Later on one of the kids mentioned presents and I said that Ella would probably want to wait until she felt better to open her gifts, but the sound of that perked her right up so we decided to give her all her gifts while she was chilling out in our bed. 

One gift from Mama & Daddy, one gift from the boys and one gift from Logan! 

When I took Owen into JCPenny's for his birthday pictures I found this cute shirt on clearance and thought that Ella would love it. I asked Owen if he thought the other boys would pitch in some money and then that gift could be from all of them. He thought that would be nice so I bought it and then the boys paid me back. 

It was actually a shirt set. It had a tank top that said LOVE and it came with one of those fuzzy ball keychains. 

On top of that it had a matching sparkly star sweater that went over it. She LOVED it!!! Especially the fuzzy ball and the stripes on the sleeves of the sweater. 

Logan got Ella an LOL game. LOL Dolls are THE in thing right now and Ella was so excited about it. 

I had actually bought Ella's gift back when I was buying all the Christmas gifts. I was so excited when I found it online I didn't want there to be a chance that it wouldn't be available. 

It's a Melissa & Doug Teacher kit. 

Ella talks about being a teacher all the time and she loves to play school. She mainly just uses what she has and she'd done great playing, but I thought this would take her playing to a whole new level! 

Since we weren't with Logan on her Birthday I decided to buy her a gift to give to her when she came over. I knew that she loved LOL dolls as well so I got her a couple. None of us had ever seen an LOL doll being opened up. It was quite the process and super cool. It was fun having Logan show us all about it. Out of the two she got she already had one of them, but she didn't mind at all having a double. :) 

It was so fun to have Ella perk up for her presents. 

The next morning the kids got up and were all playing school with Ella's teacher kit. 

The details are incredible with this kit! First off the box is part of the play. The sides are held up by velcro....VERY strong velcro. When you pull them down one side is for the student and one is for the teacher. 

There are all sorts of supplies a teachers bell, pointer, markers, flash cards...

math sheets and shape matching.

Report card! 

PE list

Reusable stickers! 

There's even more that I can't remember or haven't seen since I didn't go through the whole kit. It really is incredible and so well made. If you have a future teacher in your house I would definitely recommend buying this. 

Unfortunately shortly after church Ella started feeling yucky again and ended up in bed. She threw up that night and was just having a rough time. Logan stayed with us until Monday morning and I felt so bad about the fact that her and Ella only really had a couple hours of great play time. The other sad thing was that was the start of sickness going through our house and poor Logan's family ended up getting it. So many times when Ella gets sick it's just her...I think a lot of it has to do with her Hydrocephalus because so many times she gets sick and the rest of us are fine. 

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