Thursday, April 25, 2019

Volunteering At Kids Church!

On Sunday, April 14th I volunteered at Kids fact I try to volunteer the 2nd Sunday of every month. Every now and again it doesn't work out because of the choir singing, but for the most part I'm there. The kids each get $100 Bible Bucks every time I volunteer so they really love it when I'm there! 

Every Sunday there is a theme for Kids Church...on this particular day the theme was Chocolate Bunny Day. Ella had a brown bunny that she let Owen borrow so he would get Bible Bucks for participating in the theme. 

Owen is in 6th grade, but soon he'll be heading to 7th grade and he'll officially be too old for Kids Church. Kids Church is for kids that are K - 6th grade. One way Owen could stay up in Kids Church is if he helps out with the sound and projection. I had wanted him to get involved with that, but he hadn't really shown an interest. However, I found out a few weeks ago that he was learning the ropes. It was so fun seeing him in action! 

Our Kids Room is amazing....there was either money donated or the actual games were donated so the kids have a lot of fun prior to Kids Church starting and then again at the end of Kids Church. 

Zeke was playing Skeet Ball and next to him is the basketball game. 

We also have an arcade game that I think has multiply games on it. 

In the back there are candy claw games...the kids have plastic coins they can use to try to snag candy. 

Ms Colleen (Pastor Andy's wife) just recently bought this awesome giant Connect 4 game. I love this new trend of giant games. Kids church also has a giant Jenga set. Things are just more fun if they are mini or giant size! 

What I didn't get a picture of was the old arcade style game, the air hockey table and the Lego table. These kids don't lack for fun things to do! 

Ella and the other girls usually end up at the white board though. Cute girls! 

Once Kids Church starts the kids all sit down and we have announcements, Bible Bucks get passed out to those kids that participated in the theme, brought their homework or their Bible. You also get BB's if your parent volunteers or if you brought a friend. After that it's game time which is usually something super fun and silly. This Sunday the kids that wanted to participate had to sit on a skateboard with a bunny, ride it to the back of the room, hula hoop three times, hop like a bunny giving yourself bunny ears all the way to the front of the room, crawl through a tunnel and give Ms. Colleen a high five. Whoever did that the fastest was the winner. The winner did it in 12 or 14 seconds...I can't remember, but it was FAST! 

After game time it's worship time...the kids sing fun songs and serious song. All of the songs have motions which are fun. What I love is when we are singing a slower serious song I can look around the room and see kids with their eyes closed, hands raised and they are truly worshipping their Savior! 

After worship they have lesson time. That Sunday's lesson was the Veggie Tales episode about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and how if something is wrong you shouldn't do it even if it's not the cool thing to do. It the one that has the silly Bunny song in it. The funny thing was that morning I woke Owen up singing that same Bunny song. After the video Ms. Colleen talks to the kids about the lesson. Then the kids played a Family Feud style game with questions about the video. It was fun! After that she announces the VIP...the acronym can change every week. This week it was actually VIW...Very Important Wabbit! Also the kids were each given a ticket at the beginning of the morning to win a Giant Chocolate Easter Bunny. 

Zeke won and he was SO excited! Every one of the kids had already gotten a small chocolate bunny to eat during the video. 

After Kids Church was finished Ella had to have me take a picture of her Bunny. At first she made a cat, but then she added the buck teeth and called it a Bunny. Cute clever girl! 

I love our church's Kids Church and how the kids have fun, but they also learn about real struggles that happen in life and how to rely on God and approach life through a Biblical view. 

Side Note: Jack had spent the night at Hansi's house since it was Hansi's birthday. He ended up coming to the 11am service, but I don't volunteer for both services. 

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