Saturday, April 13, 2019

Zeke Learned To Swing!

On March 21st, the kids had their Student Led Conferences. They are all doing great and I'm so proud of all their hard work. After the conferences we came home so I could get some laundry done. The kids wanted to go somewhere, but I told them that this was our stay at home day and the next day we'd be going somewhere fun. The weather was so nice outside so I told the kids to go out and play. 

A little while later Zeke came in and told me I needed to come outside because he wanted to show me something. 

He had learned how to swing!!! It was so exciting to see him working on this skill and now mastering it. 

I just so happened to record him showing me for the first time and then he did something surprising at the end...he jumped off the swing for the first time! Cute daredevil! 

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