Friday, September 27, 2019

Playroom Makeover!!

Something we've been planning for awhile is to makeover the playroom. But...anything inside the house had been moved to the back burner because we had so much going on outside. 

In January when I had my surgery, Michael had moved our old flat screen TV into our bedroom so I could watch movies while I recovered. I knew I did not want that big TV in our room, but we weren't ready for it to go in the playroom either. 

Once I had cleaned each room in the house I moved onto cleaning up the playroom and then painting it. 

Pink wasn't the color we wanted as a playroom color. 

I painted the upper color the main color that's in the rest of our house and then Owen and Ella helped me paint the bottom half the brown color. It had already been brown, but there were areas that needed touching up, but we didn't have that same paint anymore. We did happen to have a gallon of a different brown so we went with that to save money. 

At this point I moved all the toys into our master bedroom and had the kids make some tough decisions because we could not have all those toys go back into the playroom. They did great and got rid of a bunch of stuff. I was so proud of them. 

And now this is what the playroom looks like....

This couch I got about a year ago on the Buy Nothing FB site. It's perfect for this playroom/game room.  That cabinet has some of the kids toys in it....Nerf Guns, Army Guys, Dinosaurs and a bunch of Ella's coloring supplies. 

This is the closet section where the rest of the kids toys are. We had 4 of these plastic drawer containers and the kids went down to having only 2...there is one in the closet you can't see. 

In that back corner are two black IKEA end tables. They are perfect for Ella's Calico Critters. All she has to do is move out the inflatable soccer chair. 

Here's what really got this remodel off the ground...I found this IKEA TV stand on offer up for only $60. It works perfectly in this very skinny room. The height is perfect and the shelves are awesome. Those four bigger ones on the bottom are perfect for Jack's Beyblade Stadiums! The kids can now play on their Xbox, Nintendo Mini NES or watch DVD's up here. 

After I took these pictures I decided to do a little decorating in here so this is now the Seahawks room. We had a few pictures that my mom had bought us and we also had the family picture of us wearing all our Seahawks shirts. I love how simple it's really going to be easier to keep clean and such a fun transition for the kids now that they are getting older and toys aren't such a huge part of their lives anymore.

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