Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas Day!

We got to Ga-Ga & Pa's house before noon on Christmas Day. Ryan and Steph were already there. We got right to business and started opening gifts. 

Owen got to open Charlie's gift from Ga-Ga & Pa....summer sausage! He loves summer sausage....not sure we are going to let him eat the whole thing though! 

I got Pa this salt and pepper shaker set that is a red truck with the tree in the bed and then a trailer. I thought they would look cute in the office with all his other trucks. 

Owen got his big gift from Ga-Ga & Pa...a Hover Board! 

Jack got the bow and arrow set he wanted. 

Ella got this Crayola light up tracing pad from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie....she loves it!!! 

Zeke got a Captain Marvel Lego set from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie.

Owen got Electronic Battleship from Uncle Ry & Aunt's so fun with all the sounds effects. 

Ga-Ga got each of the kids a new Kindle! 

They all got cases too so it's easy to know which one belongs to which kid. 

Owen case says...Don't Touch Me! 

Jack got a BeyBlade called Venom Diablos from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie. 

Ga-Ga & Pa got Ella her One Generation kitchen to go with her dolls. 

Zeke got a Perplexus from Ga-Ga & Pa. He's played with this a bunch of times at Andrew & Josiah's, but there's is a sphere and this one is flat, but it moves around automatically which makes it harder to keep the ball on the track. 

Since Owen had his big gift his other gift was smaller from Ga-Ga & Pa. Ga-Ga got him 4 bags of Takis...unfortunately since Owen got sick in early December, food that he normally likes hasn't tasted good to him. This is him hanging his head. He was so sad because he loves Takis, but they just didn't taste good to him anymore. Ga-Ga ended up giving him some money that he's putting towards saving for a video game he wants to buy next year. 

Ga-Ga also got Ella her salon chair for her doll Phoebe since she's the special hair growing doll. 

Ga-Ga & Pa got Zeke his MarioKart Hot Wheels set.

We were sitting there trying to figure out why Jack didn't have the same number of gifts as everyone else. Turns out he didn't realize that a box on the floor was actually a gift since the box itself was decorated and it wasn't actually wrapped. He was so happy that he got another gift since it was 3 BeyBlades!!! 

Here's Jack with all his new BeyBlades he got for Christmas. Lord Spriggen, Venon Diablos, Dread Bahamet, Slash Dragon & Heaven Pegasus. 

Ella could not wait to use her light up tracing pad. 

As for us adults Ga-Ga & Pa got each of us $100. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to buy with my money. I got Ga-Ga & Pa, Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie and Papa & Ruth a 2020 calendar and I made each family a microwavable tortilla holder. 

After we opened gifts with family the Kuch family showed up and we opened gifts with them. Unfortunately I guess I was done taking pictures for the day. We gave the Kuch's a microwavable tortilla holder and a fun family game for the kids. They got us a family game as well. 

After that Papa & Ruth came so we started round 4 of opening gifts. We got a gift certificate for a steakhouse in Tacoma. They got the kids some fun games to is called Chicapig and it's so funny!  

Once we were all done with gifts it was time to eat dinner and then we visited for hours and even played Blank Slate it was great. 

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