Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Eve!

On the morning of Christmas Eve we had one thing we had to do....make Sugar Cookies. 

Ella loves to help me in the kitchen!

While Ella was helping me, Michael was playing Ticket to Ride with the older boys. 

Zeke got his apron on so he could help me, but he didn't last long. He's always bouncing from here to there. 

By mid-afternoon Dad and I had to be at church practicing to sing at both Christmas Eve services. Michael, Ga-Ga & the kids came to the first service. 

I got my traditional picture of the kid in front of the church Christmas tree. They are getting so big! I love this tradition! 

I love this sweet family of mine! 

When I got home I was tired and ready to get changed. I had planned this out with Michael. He called all the kids downstairs so I could got tuck their new jammies under their pillows. Then I went in and changed into mine. I opened my door and yelled down to the kids that they should check under their pillows. Jackson right away yelled..."We got new jammies!" While they were in their rooms getting their pajamas on Michael ran upstairs and changed into his. Then we both jumped out of our room wearing Christmas jammies. The kids thought it was great that we had some too! 

I have wanted to get us matching jammies for a while, but it's just another expense. Enter Kohl's cash!!! On Black Friday Ga-Ga & I spent so much we got $90 in Kohl's cash. A few days later I got an email with $15 in more Kohl's cash. I used all that money towards our pajamas and only ended up spending $15 total....$8 was shipping so for our pajamas I only spent $7! Yahoo! 

I was so happy to find this fun nightgown with a matching one for Ella's doll! 

Zeke and Ella's were from the same matching set. 

When it came to getting jammies for the older boys that was more difficult. Most of the ones in their sizes were sold out or just lame looking.

What I ended up doing was getting each of the boys a pair of joggers and then a Christmas long sleeve T-shirt. Jack's joggers are fleece...they are so soft and warm. His shirt was so perfect for him. Jackson tries very hard to do things...whether it's naughty or nice...who knows, but at least he attempts to do something! :) 

I got Owen black joggers and found this funny Oh Snap T-shirt! He loved it! 

I was worried that the kids would think Christmas pajamas were lame, but I really feel that the way I presented it to them won them over. If I had wrapped them and had them open them I think they would have felt bummed it was just clothes. If I had given them out and said to put them on I think they might have pushed back and thought they were lame, but because I hid them and they have to discover them it made all the difference in their attitudes towards them. 

After putting the the kids to bed I went around getting everything ready for the morning. Since the kids had their own tree set up in the dining room I thought it would be silly for Santa to deliver gifts to the adult tree. 

The stockings were stuffed and ready! 

And the rest of the presents were under the tree!

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