Sunday, October 11, 2020

Bike Ride!!!

After riding the Discovery trail in Long Beach I was sure the kids were not going to want to do another long bike ride anytime soon. I was totally wrong though! Even Zeke was asking when we were going to go again. Christina had mentioned how they ride on the Foothills trail from Buckley all the way to South Prairie and it sounded like fun. 

The weather was going to be so nice during Labor Day weekend I thought it would be great to take advantage of it. We originally were going to go on Monday, but then decided that Sunday after church would be just fine. The weather was gorgeous!!! 

Our biker gang ready to go!!! 

The trail was so beautiful and there really weren't that many people on it. You can see all the way back on the trail and there's no one there!!! 

So pretty! 

The beginning part of the trail was mostly flat, but then we got to a section that was downhill and it was so much fun! I would most definitely not like to bike the trail in the opposite direction! 

We took lots of breaks to drink water and let Michael and Zeke catch up to us. 

At one point we even found a few blackberries to eat. Most of them were mushy, but we found a couple yummy ones! 

While resting we saw this lady riding her horse. She was so nice to let the kids pet the horse. 

Christina thought we would stop at South Prairie, but that was honestly such a short trip I wanted to continue. Most of the kids were okay with going on, but we had a couple that wanted to stop. 

I'm not sure where exactly we stopped, but poor Addison crashed. Thankfully she wasn't seriously hurt and we were right next to a parking lot. We had already made an arrangement with Pa to come pick up Michael and Bill and drive them back to the vehicles so they could in turn come pick us all up. We think we rode 9 miles in all! 

I was a bit bummed that we weren't able to finish the trail. Michael and I had planned to have a date day where we dropped the kids off at my parents house and Pa would then drive us up to Buckley and we'd bike all the way to their house, but it didn't end up working out. We for sure have it planned for later this year when the weather gets nicer.

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