Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksmas 2020!

Last year we started a new tradition of having Thanksmas with my family. Normally at Thanksgiving we all go our separate ways. We go to Oregon to be with Michael's family, my parents go to my Aunt and Uncle's house and Ryan & Steph spend the holiday with her family. Last year Steph suggested having our own Thanksgiving the Saturday after the actual holiday. I thought it was a great idea and decided it should be called Thanksmas! 

Last year Mom and Dad let me borrow all their nice white china since I don't have a set that's big enough for all of us. That was a lot of dishes to pack up and then also wash. This year while shopping with my mom, I found these cute Pioneer Woman paper plates, napkins and tablecloths that all matched. 

My parents dropped the tables the week of Thanksmas and Michael set them up all up. The day of Thanksmas, Pa did the place settings for each table. 

I loved the fall colors on the plates and the message gather. Also these plates were more like a cross between a plate and a bowl. So much room for lots of yummy food! 

Ga-Ga & Pa did bring up their nice silverware for us to use. That was much easier than bring up dishes for  15 people! 

We set all the food on the dining room table and then ate on the tables set up in the garage. Look at all that yummy food. 

All the ladies that helped make this meal possible. Honestly they really do. I made the turkey, mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. Everything else is divided up between the other families. It really takes the pressure off of me! 

I made this cranberry pineapple and lime ginger ale. It's so yummy! 

I used Michael's electric roaster again for the turkey and it turned out good. It's not the same as roasting it in the oven and getting the skin super crispy. Next year we plan to buy a smoker so we'll have a smoked turkey. 

Cinnamon Butter Baked Carrots are one of my favorite dishes! 

When it was time to pray for the food we gathered around the table and held hands. I have no idea what Michael even prayed I was trying to keep myself from bursting into tears. I was so completely overwhelmed with happiness at being surrounded by the people I love. God is so incredibly good and I felt that all the way to my core. 


Dig in!!! 

Jackson wanted the whole turkey leg. Of course he didn't eat the whole thing! 

Kids table! 

Chowing down! 

Beautiful girls! 

Ladies table! 

Guys table minus Pa since he's taking the picture. I took a picture with all the guys, but accidentally cut off Papa Martin's head. Oops! 

Last year we had the trailer in the garage so it felt a little closed in. This year with the pool table it felt like there was more room and not so closed in. 

We had such a nice time visiting. The guys mainly stayed in the garage while us ladies sat in the living room on the more comfy furniture! 

Always have to get a picture with my wonderful friend! 

Papa & Miss Ruth were so sweet they got each family a gift basket. 

This fun one with trucks was for Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Here was our basket. It had a card with $20 and a printed out flyer for the Holiday Magic lights at the Fairgrounds. It also had, hot chocolate packets, peppermint spoons, cups, napkins, word searches for each kid, pencils, jingle bell bracelet for Ella and then a brain teasers for each of the boys. Such thoughtful gifts. 

I just love these sweet boys and their friendship. Wish so badly that we lived closer to each other! 

These girls too! They asked if they could do each others makeup. I also tell Ella...light makeup. When I saw her I was like whoa...that's a lot of makeup. Turns out it was Addison that did her makeup and Christina wasn't even surprised by it...that girl likes her makeup! :) Ella did Addison's makeup and you couldn't even tell she was wearing any!  

Here was our crew for Thanksmas! 

Family is most definitely something to be thankful for! 

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