Wednesday, February 3, 2021

My God Is Greater!

I have a few questions that are specifically directed at fellow born again believers! It's not meant to be accusatory in the least. It's something that I've been pondering for a while and I pray that it will cause you to ponder as well.

The main question is -----What do you have to fear? 

Here are a few more questions...

1. Is the God you serve the Creator of the universe? Genesis 1:1

2. Did He part the sea to rescue the Israelites? Exodus 14:21

3. Did He save Daniel from the mouths of lions? Daniel 6:21

4. Didn't God say that all your days were ordained before even one came to pass? Psalms 139:16

5. Did Jesus touch a leper and make him clean? Mark 1:40-41

6. Didn't Paul write about how we've been given the Power of the Holy Spirit?  Ephesians 3:16-20

7. Didn't Paul also write how God doesn't give us a Spirit of fear? 2 Timothy 1:7

These Biblical truths are as relevant today as they were the day they occurred. Don't we sing songs in church that say...'Our God is greater, our God is stronger...God you are higher than any other'? Do we as Christians really believe those words? 

Again....what do you have to fear? 

I can honestly say I do not fear death. I know without a doubt, that I will not die one millisecond before I am supposed to. Not because of my own flesh and my own intellect! But because my faith is in the One, True God. He knows my days....they are written in His book. Why should I fear? Besides, to be absent from my flesh is to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8 

How I long for the day that I get to be present with my Maker! 

What a time to be alive! To be able to walk out our faith in action. To show those around us that we are different because we aren't fearful right now. We have hope and trust in God and they can too! He is our strength an ever present help in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1 

My absolute favorite verse in the Bible is John 16:33 - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." What I love about this verse is it doesn't sugar coat it. You WILL have troubles in this world, but you MAY have peace IF you follow Jesus and trust in Him. What a beautiful thing! The God of the universe has filled me with His peace!  

Now don't think just because my days are numbered that I'm walking around like I'm invincible. I'm not going to decide tomorrow that I should climb Mount Rainer with nothing, but running shoes and a light jacket. I do not think it's wise to test God. In fact the only thing we are supposed to test God on is our money. Malachi 3:10-12

I say all this because us humans have this innate ability to worry about everything and sometimes we need to be reminded (me included) how big God is. Whether it comes to this pandemic, who the President is, your job, your kids, your health....etc! We love to worry! But the Bible also tells us to focus on whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely. Philippians 4:8 

I'm choosing to focus on Him...the One who holds the world in His hands. The One who formed me in my Mother's womb. The One who knows the number of my days. I trust Him fully and because of that trust I'm choosing to live fully! After all we only have so many days and we might as well make the most of each and every one!

1 comment:

  1. HI! I rarely check in on your blog but I was lead to today and I think it was because I needed to read this! Thank you for the reminder that my God is greater and He is in control. We all need that reminder occasionally and today I did!
