Saturday, April 10, 2021

Resurrection Sunday!

On Easter Sunday we went to church in the morning. Mom, Sharon and I all had on the same mask on. Actually I totally take credit for starting this trend. I was at my chiropractors office earlier in the year and I started chatting with a lady waiting there. She showed me her mask and I fell in love with it. I was never going to buy a fancy mask...ever! I hate masks! I get grumpy having to wear one. I think they're stupid and don't make a lick of sense. Anyways this rhinestone one looks like a legit mask, but it's not! It's has tons of holes in it. It's the best thing ever! I'm totally being compliant though because I'm still covering my nose and mouth, but I can absolutely breath freely and it's amazing. I started wearing it to church and a bunch of people asked me about it so I shared the link and a trend was started. 

Thankfully now....I'm actually writing this blog post in mid-June our church is almost completely mask free. Praise the Lord things are going back to normal! 

May be an image of 11 people, including Christina Kuch and Lyndsay Martin, people standing and indoor

After church, we headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's for our traditional celebration! I wanted to get a picture together before the kids ran off and got stuff all on their nice clothes. The whole gang wasn't there yet, but we got a picture of everyone later on. 

Look at these lovely young ladies!!! 

The gang's all here! 
What a treasure to be with family! 

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Only the adults can fit at the dining room table so the girls sit at their own table in the family room. 

May be an image of 4 people, child, people sitting and indoor

While the boys sit at the pub table in the breakfast nook. It works out great so us adults can talk and the kids can be loud and crazy. 

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Look at these totally cute cupcake bunnies Christina made. We always have SO much food! 

Ready for their Egg Hunt...I feel like we just did this! ;) 
If you remember we had a make up Egg Hunt for the kids back on July 4th! 

It's always chaos watching them all run around like crazy. There is always a couple kids that end up needing some encouragement locating their eggs, but they always end up finding them all! 

Then they have to bring their eggs in and see what they got! I believe some of the eggs had money in them as well as lots of candy! 

Us adults love to watch these cute kiddos have fun! 

Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie

Papa & Ms. Ruth

Pa & Mr. Bill

My sister from another mister!!! :) 

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Then onto Easter if they didn't already have enough sugar! :) 

There was a ton of leftover cotton candy from our churches Easter Adventure so each of the kids got a bag of that on top of everything else. 

Ga-Ga got each of the kids one of these cute little bunnies. 

Then Aunt Stephie had a fun surprise for all the kids. 

She bought these cute sugar cookie kits for the kids that came with edible paint you could paint the cookies with. It was so cool! 

Jack and Owen painted an American flag on one of their cookies. 

Each box came with 4 cookies. I think Zeke painted one of his with a spider. 

Addison made hers look like a beautiful Easter Egg. 

Such a fun crafty surprise! 

We had to get a picture of all the kids with Aunt Stephie. It won't be long and they'll all be taller than her! :) 

What a fun time celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! 

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