Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Father's Day 2021!

Michael is always so hard to buy for, but this year I ended up having a few ideas to make his Father's Day special 

The kids wanted him to open his gifts prior to church. 

Zeke felt so bad because he didn't have any money to contribute to the gift the kids got him, but he did have a gift card to Starbucks. We ended up going to Starbucks and getting a new card since the one he had was a Christmas theme. I also added a few dollars so Michael had $10 total to Starbucks. 

Prior to Father's Day, Michael went golfing with his co-worker and unfortunately he had a brand new box of golf balls that the kids had gotten him for Christmas stolen. He had set them in the golf cart and then his co-worker drove the cart over to the use the restroom and that's when they were stolen. People can be so rude! The kids found these fun colorful golf balls at Big 5 for him. They also got him some candy at The Dollar Tree. 

A week or so before Father's Day, Michael texted me asking if I could get this particular book for him from the library. Unfortunately it wasn't at the library so I found it on Amazon and bought it for him instead. 

They sure love their Daddy! 

At church all the Fathers got Dad's Root Beer and Beef Jerky. 

The last portion of my present to Michael was this Raspberry Nothing Bundt Cake. We don't have one near us so I asked my Mom if she'd pick it up for me in Puyallup and bring it to church. My parents had gone to early service so she left it in the church frig for me. Michael was so surprised! 

I loved all the little decorations they added to his cake. He looks like Mario from Super Mario Bros here!

Michael and the kids enjoyed the cake, but it was not my favorite. I know I'm probably in the minority here...maybe I would like another flavor, but it wasn't my cup of tea. That did mean that Michael got more of it and didn't have to share it with me! 

As for my Dad...I didn't end up seeing him except in passing on Father's Day. As I mentioned before my parents came to early service and then they had to go to a Memorial Service. I also didn't take into account the fact that everything is running behind so his Father's Day & Birthday presents ended up being late. I gave them to him a couple Sundays after this, but silly me I didn't get any pictures. For his Father's day present I made him a little picture frame with pictures of some of my favorite memories with him. 

For his birthday present I made these picture coasters for him. 

I copied these images from Shutterfly's website so that's why it shows text boxes. I didn't write anything in those so they didn't print. The pictures on the coasters turned out so glossy and beautiful. I loved them and so did he! 

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