Monday, October 25, 2021

Corn Maze & Carving Pumpkins!

Back in the middle of October I decided the kids and I should finally check out the Corn Maze at Carpinito Brother's. We had only gone to the Kiddy section a years ago but never done the Corn Maze. I contact a friend of mine who has two of which was a tiny baby. I thought it might be a fun adventure for her to get out of the house. I remember those days with a tiny baby where you feel all cooped up. Becci was all for it so we met up on Monday, November 18th. 

The weather was cloudy, but honestly really nice and not chilly at all. In fact with all the walking around we got pretty warm! 

Corn Maze this way! 

There were two different Corn for the Husky's and one for the Coug's!  

It was nice being there during the week and in the middle of the day. I had heard the previous weekend that this place was a zoo! 

They had these checkpoints you could find and scan with your phone and if you found all of them you were entered into a drawing to win a Kindle. We found all the checkpoints, but didn't win! 

Now onto the Husky's Maze! 

No pictures while in this one because we basically had to do the whole maze twice. We missed the first couple of checkpoints and then decided instead of going back through the maze to get them it would be quicker to go out come back in the find those two and then come back out the entrance. Except we could not for the life of us find the entrance again. So....back through the whole maze we went. It was comical! Plus I got separated from the older boys, but we found each other right towards the end of the maze. 

Next up was the pumpkin patch! You did have to pay $5 per person to enter the patch, but then that money went toward your pumpkin purchase! 

So many pumpkins....this wasn't even half of them! 

I love pumpkin pictures! 

I told the kids they could only get a pumpkin if they could pick it up by themselves and put it in the wheelbarrow. 

Happy pumpkin pickers!

The only thing I'm bummed about from that day was that Becci and I didn't get a picture together! :( 

We didn't carve the pumpkins until Tuesday, October 26th since I didn't want them turning to mush! Jackson was all about carving. He doesn't care about the slime! 

Ella was okay, but she still thought it was disgusting!

These are the faces Zeke made when it came to touching the yuck!

Owen couldn't stand to touch it either so he actually paid Jack to dig out the guts. Zeke paid Ella to do it for him as well. In the picture above Jack is taunting Owen with his slimy gut covered hands. 

When it came to carving everyone was fine doing it on their own. I helped just a little bit with fine tuning things. 

Owen and his ferocious pumpkin! 

Jackson with his Venom looking pumpkin! 

Zeke and his spooky ghost pumpkin! Something I found out during this was you can't eat the seeds from the white pumpkins. I'm not sure why, but I read that you couldn't! 

That pumpkin looks like it might take her down it's so huge! 

Ella was adamant that we needed to buy two the sugar pumpkins for our porch. I never did anything with them, but they were cute for decorations! 

As you can imagine I got quite a few seeds from 2 big pumpkins. 

I ended up making 3 different batches of seeds in 2 flavors, Ranch, Salt & Vinegar and Salted. The salted were my favorite though! 


I think we will most definitely be making this a yearly tradition from now on! 

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