Tuesday, July 5, 2022

4th of July 2022!!

My most favorite day of the year!!!! 

Look at these gorgeous young ladies!!! 

Right before the 4th my cousins daughter, Alli, started her own business called Pink Rain. She makes all sorts of fun bracelets. I saw these patriotic ones and knew I had to buy them. There were three in this set and it would be perfect for the girls....like friendship bracelets. I wasn't sure how I was going to divvy them out and then I saw what they were wearing and just gave them out according to that. Addison was wearing red so she got the red one, Anna had on a blue jacket so she got the blue one and Ella had on a white shirt so she got the white one. If you can't tell they say - God Bless America!


These girls are just too much! 


Caleb had recently introduced the boys to this new game called Colony Wars. They were having a blast playing together. 

Ga-Ga & Pa's house is always decorated so nicely for the celebration! 
Red, White & Blue are my favorite! 

Michael was manning the grill! 

Bill kept him company while he was cooking. 

Lots of us just sat there and visited! 

The weather was perfect for being outside....not cold and not hot either! 

Gathering around to pray for the food! 

Ella loves her Papa! 

My sweet man! 

The food's all ready! 

First ones in line! :) 

Happy birthday America! 

Enjoying some good grub! 

Some good conversation! 

Some good laughs! 

This day has my heart! 

Johnathen & MJ were able to come even though they were leaving the next day at 4am for TX! So thankful to get to spend some time with them before they were gone for a month! 

Every year we do a craft with the kids and this year I was stumped. The kids are getting older and honestly most of the crafts are geared towards really little kids. Also I don't want the crafts to be something that won't be used. It has to be something that's worth doing and you'll actually get some use out of it. Last year we did the tie dye towels and those were great! My kids have absolutely put those to use. 

Just a week or so before the 4th I thought....I wonder if there are iron-on decals for 4th of July? Amazon to the rescue! I ordered two different packages of iron-on decals so the kids would have lots of choices. I told Christina to just buy her kids plain colored shirts and that's all she had to do. I had never done this before so I did bring one of Zeke's undershirts and tested it out first to make sure it would be okay and it worked! 

Even though Ella looks super man she's not. I'm just focusing on her shirt and the look on my face it excitement that it actually worked! 

We laid all the decals out on the stairs so the kids could make their choice and then I ironed them. It was a super, easy and quick craft and the older the kids get I think that's just perfect. They usually just want to hang out so if the craft takes longer than a few minutes it's just steals that time away from them getting to chill out together. 

Anna and Addison both had these cute white shirts that had ruching on the top. We had to make sure the top of the shirt was nice and flat before we ironed on the decal. For some reason Addison's flower decal did not want to come off at first and couple of the petals got a little messed up, but thankfully it started to stick and the petals that did get a bit bent over weren't really noticeable.

Last year Cathy let me give her a temporary tattoo on her arm...think biker chick. A few weeks later we were at church and she show me that her tattoo was still on. She was not happy! Her husband Al's tattoo that I did on his hand had washed off within hours! I have no idea why hers stuck so well. Now it's something that we joke about. 

This year I convinced her to let me decal her shirt and it turned out so cute. She did say that after a few washes it started to peel a little. That was something that I was concerned about. My kids have only worn there's a couple times so we haven't washed them that much. I might just not dry them or at least dry them on low and see if that helps the decal stick longer. 

The Kuch kids in their decal shirts. 

Caleb did a decal on the front and the back!

Each of the girls chose a different design, but each of them had a flower on it. 

All the boys! 

Owen and Jack actually had the same red shirt, but Owen decided he just wanted that one to be plain and he wanted the decal on a white shirt instead. Thankfully Christina brought extras. Zeke shirt was tricky because it had buttons on the front of it. When I was looking through the decals I saw these two decals that I thought would work perfectly for his shirt. I didn't want to influence him though, but I was so happy when he picked those exact ones. On the front of his shirt he has these patriotic sunglasses. 

On the back he has an eagle face wearing the same patriotic sunglasses. It really looks cools. 

They honestly turned out so well! They look like we bought them at a store! There were tons of decals leftover so I think next year we'll do them again and I'll even tell the adults they can join in as well. 

Whenever the craft has been to make a shirt....I think we missed one year...we've been doing this same photo of the kids. It's always so hard because it's so sunny out, but thankfully they put up with our craziness! 




It's so fun to see how much they've grown! 

All the kiddos with the props. I love how it looks like Ella is wearing a crown, but it's just the sunshine decoration on the fence. 

The Oliver boys didn't do shirts with us since they were busy getting ready for their vacation they didn't have time to go buy any. 

Oliver Family! 

Love these guys! 

Jackson trying to set Ella on fire with Lady Liberty's torch! :) 

My sweet family! 

I think next year I'll be passed in height by a couple more kids. 

The Kuch's!

Love doing life with these loved one! 

Debra & David are from our church they came this year for the first time. It was nice to getting to chat with them! 

Papa & Ruth are always up for some fun photos! 

We love our Papa & Miss Ruth! 

Scott, Stephanie & Josiah are also new to our church. Scott was actually the piano tuner for the church and he was asked if he could fill in a bit with playing the piano when our worship pastor moved to a different church. He played for a couple weeks and then they felt led to just stay at our church and become members. They are just the sweetest, most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet. We love them! They are also hilarious....it was bit windy when Pa set the tables up so in order to keep the tablecloths down he used heavy tools. When I told Scott to chose some props he picked up one of the big wrenches and used that. So funny! 

Josiah is there youngest and he's only 15 years old. He is SO tall!!! 

Jack & Zeke building this years volcanoes! 

I just love this picture of Michael and his Dad! 

Papa brought his guitar with him so we could sing some patriotic songs. It was so fun!

We sang along for a few and then we started playing songs from my phone. I really need to buy my parents a wireless speaker for occasions like this! 

My favorite was when we sang Peace Like A River! 

Lenae & Bob were also there for all the fun! Bob would not miss an opportunity to have fun fellowshipping and eating all that yummy food! Of course they both went home with goodie bags! 

Celebrating our freedom together! 

The girls were hanging out in the playhouse enjoying some chips!

Love this sister of mine! 

Mom & Dad have this pretty bunting out on the front porch and a few people wanted to get pictures with the lovely hosts before they left! 

Shortly after that it was time to get the fireworks going. We didn't find any smoke bombs this year so we used sparklers to set off the volcanoes. 

Flaming volcanoes are cooler than smoking ones anyways! 

So cool! 

The Kuch's and our family are the only ones that stayed around until the bitter end. 

Christina bought a bunch of little fireworks....morning glories, snap its, snakes, sparklers and a few more. Then we bought a pack not really knowing what was in it. We also bought one bigger one and a couple of the parachute guys. 

I love how this shot glows red and you can see all the Dad's chatting. 

Lighting their snakes! 

Burning baby burn! 

Our small stash! It still costs us $100!!! 

Meanwhile all around us these things are exploding. I have no idea how much money these people spend on fireworks....a lot! 

It's always fun dancing around with a sparkler! 

Caleb decided to use the sparkler to write his name on the road and the first time he did he misspelled his name! I'm guessing too much sugar for the day! :) It was hilarious! 

I love this shot....so much joy and fun to be had! 

We saved the one big firework we bought for the end of course. We didn't know it was an actual aerial! We've enter the big time now! :) 

Love these kids and love these moments! Gotta soak them up while we still can. Time is flying by!

Happy Birthday American! 

I thank God for all my blessings...my faith, my family, my friends & my freedom! 

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