Wednesday, March 22, 2023

No More Braces For Ella!

On March 21st, Ella more than 2 year journey with braces came to end! 

Yay...they're coming off! 

Last picture with braces! 

Nice straight teeth! 

Now if you look closely you can see the 2 smaller teeth on either side of Ella's big front teeth. Those are her adult teeth even though they are small. They are called Peg Laterals. They never fully developed. This whole day of getting her braces off was quite an orchestrated masterpiece. We had to be at her Orthodontist office at 9am for debonding....getting the braces removed. Then we went straight from there to my dentist office where she was getting her teeth bonded. My dentist was actually creating teeth for her. 

Look at how nice her teeth look! It really is an art form. Of course her gums were pretty swollen which they said was totally normal after getting your braces removed. 

After getting the bonding done we had to go back to the Orthodontist later in the afternoon to get her teeth scanned for her retainer. After that it was home to quickly change into her Gee for Taekwondo. It was a crazy busy day, but so worth it and it all worked out timing wise which was such a blessing. 

One of the things Ella was so excited about was getting to actually bite into an an apple!

After about a week her retainers came in and crazy enough her front teeth during that week had already shifted a bit so there was a gap. Because her teeth were in the correct place when they scanned for her retainer the retainer moved them right back to where they needed to be. Now she has to wear her retainer for 6 months only taking it out to eat and brush and then after that she only has to wear it at nighttime.

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