Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Zeke's 11th Birthday!

On Zeke's actual Birthday, May 22nd, we had Ga-Ga & Pa over for dinner. It was kind of a last minute thing really. 

This year Pa made the OJEZ (Owen, Jack Ella, Zeke) box for the kids presents. Each time it's one of the kids' birthdays the OJEZ box comes out and is filled with money. $100 plus the age of the kiddo. 

So Zeke got $111!! 

Zeke also got Sour Punch suckers, Pokémon cards and 

a Beyblade! 

Happy Birthday...

to our sweet 

11 year old...Zeke! 

He asked for a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. 

At the last minute I realized that I had these cute sugar letters so I tried to spell out something even though I had already used some of the letters for another cake. 

I was able to spell out 'Zman is' and then put two candles so it looks like 11. It works! The best part was he was happy that's all that matters! Love this sweet boy so much!!

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