Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Copalis River RV Camping Trip - Day 3 & 4

On Monday, June 26th, we got up had breakfast and then hung around camp waiting for Michael to get back. 

The girls had fun being artsy. Anna had this cool clipboard that would open up and hold extra paper and her color pencils inside. It was so neat I ordered one for Ella just like it. 

The girls headed off into the wood to swing on the rope swing again. 

By this point some of the kids' thighs were starting to feel sore from gripping the rope. 

But that didn't stop them! 

Michael got back right around 11am. I was teaching the kids how to play Kings in the Corner. 

Here's was Anna's finished art project! She did such a great job. There are tons of birdhouses all around the campground. One of the residents there builds them and gives them away for donations. Last time we stayed here we got one and then we brought it home and either Ella or Zeke painted it. We planned to get another one this time. 

Around 12:30 we were at the beach at Ocean Shores. It was windy and very misty. In fact you could only hear the ocean you couldn't see it when we first got there. 

I had bought a kite at the store prior to coming out to the ocean. Michael was helping Zeke get the hang of it. 

There's just something so sweet about this picture. A daddy with his youngest! 

The girls had been out closer to the water posing. They decided to come in so Ella could use my phone. I thought they looks so cute running in! Once Ella had my phone they were off to pose for more pictures. 

Such sweet friends! 

They actually did a really good job showcasing their personalities here! 

Beautiful friends! 

I was freezing because of the wind, but after this picture Christina got me a picnic tablecloth and it was the best windbreaker. I was so nice and warm! 

Kids decided it was time to make sand sculptures. 

They were so creative! 

Caleb decided to make a's fly straight out of the sand. It was honestly quite impressive and hilarious! 

Back in the woods! 


Exploring the shoreline by the river with an additional friend. The Kuch's neighbors just so happen to be camping at this same campground. They showed up on Sunday so we got to hang out with them for about a day. Their daughter Ellie was a part of the same Homeschool Choir so that's how Ella knew her as well. 

Biking around the campground. 

Not only are their birdhouses all over, there are also all sorts of cute garden sculptures and statues. They really do take great care of this campground. 

Sitting around visiting after dinner. 

Zeke and Caleb were having a really good time hanging out together. 

I'm so thankful that Caleb was so sweet to Zeke. 

Time to gather around the fire! 

Now that's a fire!!! 

The wood that came from the campground wasn't the best wood. It hadn't cured long enough so it was tricky get the fire to actually burn. Michael figured out the more weight and the more fuel the better. 

I was in heaven! 

Ellie parents came over and hung out around our fire too! 

It was fun getting to chat with Sue outside of the choir. 

Of course the kids needed to take care of their chores. I love that Ellie just jumped right in to help out the kids even though she didn't have too! 

Some of the best memories are make around a campfire! 

We stayed up until it was dark and all the wood had burned down. 

The next day, June 27th, it was time to pack up and head out. 

Of course the girls wanted to go on the rope swing until the very last minute. 

Ellie joined them...her Dad has a really nice camera so he walked out there and took these amazing pictures. 

The quality is so much better than the photos from our phones. 

Wish it had worked out where we were camping with the Armstrong's the whole time! 

One last climb in his ladder tree! 

On top of having bird houses for donation they also had these wooden stars. Zeke decided he wanted to have a star instead. Here he's showing me how he can make a shadow star. 

All packed up and ready to go!

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