Saturday, June 17, 2023

Last Day Of School 2023!

My goal every year is to finish school before Jack's birthday on June 5th, but this year we ended up needing to extend the school year a bit more. Our official last day of school was June 16th. The nice thing is even though we ended later most of the kids weren't doing all their work they were just focusing on a couple subjects so that was nice. 

Of course we had to do last day of school pictures. 

My handsome Zeke is finished with Elementary School and heading into 6th grade this fall! 

Our beautiful, sassy Ella is moving on to 7th grade!! 

Jackson Daniel completed his first year of high school! 

Owen finished up his sophomore year of high school! 

Even though we don't really need buddies anymore like we did when they were younger we still like to do pictures with buddies together! 

I love homeschooling these kids and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but we were all ready for summer break! :) 

Of course our school mascot had to have this picture with the kids too! 

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