Monday, October 30, 2023

Riverview's Fall Festival!

Here's what we used the cornstalks and the pumpkins for at our Church's Fall Festival. I think the photo prop area turned out so cute. This year we bought this nice backdrop that looks like weathered gray wood. I also brought our bench from our front porch, a decorative pillow and my milk bucket. Owen also let us use his orange blanket that he won at the Board Christmas Dinner back in 2022. He rarely is seen without it around his shoulders so that was a big deal! :)

The year before with our Fall Festival it was just a free for all....people could wander in and go to any game and do anything over and was a bit chaotic. At one point I'm pretty sure we had over 400 people in the sanctuary...which is great, but like I said chaotic. This year we decided to replicate our Easter Adventure and have it be a walk through one way adventure. 

The Sutphin family is always my go to when it comes to the Caramel Apples. They are the best! I know I can hand this task over to them and it will all get taken care of. Love their giving and generous hearts! 

Scott and I worked together to plan this event and it really did work nicely....sadly we didn't have the turn out like we did the year before which I honestly think was due to weather. In 2022 the night of our event it was so rainy and yucky out that people were just excited that we had an event that was going to get their family out of the rain. This year, however, the day of our event was beautiful so I think families wanted to be outside enjoying the corn mazes and pumpkin patches instead. 

Micah and Scott making all the balloon animals! 

The official greeters....Pastor Tim & Melody! 

Face Painting Crew!!! 

Joy & Mike reporting for Kitchen Duty. 

We serve hot dogs, coffee, hot apple cider and lemonade. 

We had carnival games spread out in two areas off the church....the nursery and the kid's church room. Jonathen and Bronson helped with Pumpkin Bowling. 

MJ & Aaron were at the Bean Bag Toss. 

We also had shooting game and another bean bag toss game where you tried to knock over the cans. 

Our Check-In Crew....Sue is hiding! 

Upstairs in the Kid's Church room was where all the sports themed games were. Owen and Ella ran the Axe Throwing Game. They played so many times the next day their shoulders were sore! 

We had basketball. 


A football game and golf as well. 

We did have one game in the hallway and that was Wheel of Fortune! 

The main event was David Harsh and his daughter. He's a phenomenal guitar player and she's a terrific singing. He performed earlier that morning during our church service. It was so great to get to hear him perform multiply times. 

The flow of the event was people came in, played games and then came into the sanctuary where could get a hot dog, something to drink, get their face painted, paint rocks or get prayer and sit down and listen to some cool music. After that they went out to get a balloon animal, get pictures in front of the photo prop area, grab a caramel apple and some popcorn and head home. 

Gail was manning the prayer table. 

Rock Painting was a hit! 

When it was time for the last musical set we had all the volunteers come in so they could enjoy it. 

Love this man of mine! 

There was even an interactive musical time where he called people up to play these fun tubes!

The youth table! 

For the grand finale David even played 2 guitars one with his hands and one with his the same time! It was so cool!

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