Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksmas 2023!

One of my favorite days of the year!!! 

Look at this spread! We eat very well! 

The even better part is it's not all on me. I made the Turkey, Carrots, Potatoes and the Punch and then everyone else brings something to add to the meal. Honestly even though it seems like this day would stress me out it doesn't. There is a crunch time when everything in the kitchen is going on at once, but really that's only for a short time and then I just get to sit back and visit with everyone. I didn't even had to do dishes later since Christina and Miss Ruth took care of those. So nice! 

The kids were ready for food!!! 

I love having my house filled with people! 

Love Love Love! 

Time to eat! 

We had to arrange the tables a bit differently this year since we had more people over. We had 23 people total! 

The men's table.


Bill, Michael, Sisay, Michael, Ernie, Papa, Peppy, Yeaab & Pa. 

The ladies' table. 


Ruth, Ga-Ga, Katie, Sarah, Tori and Me....Christina is taking the picture. 

I can always count on Christina taking a picture of her plate....we were sure thankful! 

Ernie & Katie are so precious to our family, our church and everyone they encounter really. Sweet sweet generous them! 

Peppy & Tori were here from California to see their family. Sisay is Peppy's Dad and we know them because Yeaab is the Youth Pastor at our church. It was so fun to have people over that we hadn't even met before. I hope they come back next year at Thanksmas so we can meet their baby that's due in February. 

Just sitting around visiting! 

These sweet girlies just love anytime they get to hang out together. 

Papa & Sisay had such a nice time visiting together! 

Bill & Pa were still hanging out in the garage. 

Owen and Caleb have gotten much closer this last year since they both like the same sort of games. They love to play Twilight Imperium together. It's been great to see their friendship develop! 

We had to take advantage of the Christmas tree and get pictures. 

Papa & Grandma Ruth...they ended up using this picture as their Christmas card! 

Me and my man! 

Pa & Ga-Ga

We had to do grandkid pics as well! 

After all the folks that weren't family headed out it was nice that everyone that was family didn't rush out....they stayed around we all just chatted in the living room. 

It made my heart so happy! 

God has richly blessed us with family and friends that are family! 

My sweet girl! 

We almost forgot, but thankfully we remembered at the last minute to take pictures of the Kuch's around the tree! 

Another awesome time fellowshipping with loved ones. 

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