Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome 2024!

We haven't really done anything too special for ringing in the New Year in the pass few years. I guess by the time we get to New Years Eve were just tired! This last year I've been a part of a Cooking Club with a few friends. One of them brought this Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Wine that they didn't want and I thought it would be fun for the kids to have on NYE. 

They thought it looked pretty in the glasses. 

And they felt pretty cool getting to have "wine". 

But other than that....

it was a total bust! A couple of them didn't think it tasted as bad as Zeke did, but after a couple more drinks they were like....yea that's not good!

What was also a bust was the firework show off the Space Needle. It was horrible! The smoke or fog or whatever blocked almost the whole show. Plus I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but these drone shows are just not it. They are not my thing....maybe as tech improves they will be more impressive.

Happy New Year! 

Next year I'll buy Martinelli's!! 

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