Monday, April 15, 2024

All About Charlie!

Owen has been begging me to write a whole post about Charlie. He thinks I haven't posted an entire post about him since he was 3 years old, but he is wrong. I post an entire post about Charlie being the cutest kitty ever this time last year. But maybe this should just be a year tradition of posting about Charlie every April! 

Here is our little loaf of bread. Actually he would be a pretty large loaf of bread. He loves his perch for the most part except during the summer. It gets no use during the summer months...I'm assuming because it's just too hot! 

Sometimes he does love to being snuggle in covers though, but this was after summer was over. Even if it was during summer it is a cats prerogative to change their mind about anything at any time. 

The stairs are a perfectly acceptable place for a nap....never mind that the human that needs to use them might actually fall and break their neck trying to avoid stepping on the cat!!!

I like Jackson...or the blanket...same thing! 

Owen's loft bed will do for today. 

The perch is a wonderful location for a cat's eye view of the neighborhood. Charlie has to keep things in good standing in regards to the social order of cat domination! He is the one doing the domination by the way!

Obviously this was prior to the water damage. If Charlie gets hungry he will come in the dining room and hang out with us. 

If you think you're walking past me and not getting me food you've got another thing coming! 

Body pillows are definitely more acceptable to snuggle with than humans....for one they don't kick him or have the audacity to try to move him over as if this bed is theirs!!!! 

Fine I will grace you with my presence! 

This is absolutely the most comfortable way to sit on the couch you silly humans do it all wrong! 

Yes, you can adore me! 

Ahem....when will dinner be served! 

What do you have to do around here to get descent service!!! 

You most definitely did not catch me playing with a toy....I don't play with toys...that's beneath me! 

Are you going to share any of that food you are eating? You do realize that one of these drawers has my treats! 

Just surveying the room and making sure everything is in order! 

Charlie has actually done really well with all the upheaval in his life due to the water damage. He's honestly become a more brave kitty with all the noises going on. Thankfully he really hasn't had any major behavior problems due to all the stress. Back in October there was a bunch of construction noise going on at a house down the street and Charlie was hunkered down somewhere and didn't come home for hours. He missed lunch and dinner. Of course I was freaking out thinking some animal got him. I haven't cried like that in years. I was bawling my eyes out on my way to my Dr's. Appt. One my way home I was crying again when Michael called to say he had come home. I was so relieved! 

Charlie is a healthy boy. He gets fed three times a day now. He has brunch, lunch and dinner. If you don't feed him he will meow until you do. He's great weight wise for his size...he's 12lbs. I can't believe that this year he will be 8 years old! We have seen him mellowing out a bit more. Last year he killed and brought inside our house 112 different animals. 8 different species - rats, mice, shrews, bunnies, birds, salamanders, snakes and one baby possum. The majority of the time they were already dead. The one snake that was alive thankfully slithered out from under the couch in front of Michael and not me! This year, however, he has drastically slowed down. He's only brought home 7 animals so far, 4 birds, 2 shrews and 1 mouse. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we are feeding him wet food now and he really really likes it. Where before he only had dry food and I think he wasn't as keen about it so he figured he'd go get his own grub. 

Just this week Charlie decided that Zeke's desk would make an amazing place to nap. I mean he does cover his desk in this nice soft blanket so he was asking for Charlie to lay down in a way! 

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