Saturday, March 31, 2007

The best of both worlds

When I found out I was pregnant I really hoped that I would get big. I didn't want people to wonder if I was just getting fat. Another hope I had was that I would have a little baby. That little baby phase goes so quickly and it's barely even there if you end up giving birth to a toddler. Well I got both. This picture was taken about 13 hours before my water broke, so as you can see I got pretty big. The nice thing is Owen was a small baby (6lbs 7.7oz) compared to most other babies that are anywhere from 8 - 10lbs. On Wednesday Owen had his 2 month check-up and he now weights 10lbs 5oz and he's 22 inches long. This is still pretty small for most 2 month olds, but the doctor said he's just growing at his own rate and he's perfectly healthy. For weight he is in the 9th percentile, for height he's in the 7th, but his head circumference is in the 49th percentile. Michael says he's got a big head because everyone keeps telling him he's so cute. I just thank God that I had a C-Section.

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