Friday, March 30, 2007


Last night Owen slept 7 hours!!! I actually woke up and went in and checked on him. Yeah I know paranoid mom! It was so wonderful, but at the same time my body is not used to that anymore. After I checked on him I pretty much just laid there until he woke up. Owen really is a good baby when it comes to sleep. Ever since he was 5 weeks old he's only been waking up to eat once in the middle of the night and then 2 weeks ago he decided that he wanted to be put down at night to go to sleep all on his own. We are definitely blessed!


  1. What a little cutie. Now if he could pass on some of his sleeping tips, I'd love to hear them so I can get 7 hours of sleep a night too.

  2. Drink a warm glass of milk before you go to bed, that helps!

  3. Lyndsay your not paranoid. It's part of being a mommy. Last week Owen slept for 12 straight hours and I thought the same thing. I had to check on him to make sure he was ok too. And he's 2 yrs old. Feeling that way goes along with being a parent.

    Take Care!!
