Friday, March 30, 2007


When Owen was 2 days old he had to have light therapy. At the time it was very traumatic because all I wanted to do was hold my baby, but I couldn't because he could only come out of the box when he needed to eat. To make matters worse my milk came in during this time and Owen was having a hard time eating. We ended up having to supplement with formula because he had lost too much weight. He ended up going down to 5lbs 14oz. However, this situation really turned out to be a blessing from God because Michael and I were able to rest since Owen was hooked up to machines that would alert us if anything was wrong. It's amazing how fear can grab a hold of you when it comes to the health and safety of your child. Also since my milk came in I was able to get some advise from the lactation specialist and we ended up renting a pump to take home. All in all we were very thankful that Owen was well taken care of by the nurses and doctors at Swedish. Also the pictures of him in the light box are so cute!!

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