Thursday, May 31, 2007


On Memorial Day Michael and I went out with some of our friends to see a movie. It isn't the first time we've left Owen, but it is the first time Grandma and Grandpa Grant watched him at our house. I wasn't worried at all about leaving him. I knew he was in good hands. I fed Owen right before we left and knew he would want to eat while we were out so I showed Grandma where the frozen breast milk was. I had pumped and frozen it according to the instructions that come with the breast pump. When we got home Owen was asleep on Grandma's shoulder, but things really didn't go that peacefully. He refused to eat! He has taken milk from a bottle before so I didn't think it was that. I woke him up and tried to feed him again and he just kept giving me this strange look so I decided to try the milk myself. YUCK!!! It was the grossest thing ever. I'm surprised I didn't throw up on the floor. Poor guy was refusing to eat because the food was bad. I don't blame him. The other day I call the leader of The Le Leche League (breastfeeding support group) she said that some women have an enzyme in their milk and when it's frozen it goes bad. I guess I'm one of those women. So from now on I'll have to pump and just refrigerate the milk and not freeze it.

1 comment:

  1. Lou, Taking care of OWEN on Memorial Day was a perfect JOY. He's a sharp little guy and it thrilled our hearts to take care of him even though he's probably warped now from us repeatedly trying to feed him the bad milk.

    I'm Proud of Your Mom and was amazed at her ability to calm a hungry and angry little man because for sure, he wasn't calmed much by my pitiful efforts.

    I'm Proud of YOU & MICHAEL too for the Loving Parents You are and I'm sure OWEN will, like You Two, continue to be a PERFECT JOY!! Love, Dad
