Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bottle Feeding

The last couple of days I have been struggling with trying to get Owen to take a bottle. He took them just fine a month ago when we were on vacation in Wyoming! Yesterday I went to Fred Meyer and picked up a different bottle with a smaller nipple. He has a very good gag reflex so I thought that might be the problem. So last night I pumped and refused to feed him except from the bottle. Yeah I know this sounds mean, but if Michael and I are ever going to have sometime away from him before he's a year old this is something he absolutely has to learn. At first there was some crying and fussing, but then I let him just play with the bottle and get use to the feel of it. Before long he was actually wanting to play with it. After about an hour or so he finally ate 2 oz and I called it good. Then right before bed I breastfed him. This morning I woke up and pumped and when Owen woke up he took the bottle without fussing at all. He drank about 3 1/2 oz no problem. The next 2 oz took some coaxing, but he did very well. I've decided I'm going to feed him from a bottle once a day to keep him use to it so when we do go out he shouldn't have any problems.


  1. sounds like great progress, lyndsay! So it was the size of the nipple that was bothering him. I know he is probably also missing the warmth of his mommy, but he will get used to it eventually.

  2. I think it was a combination of both. For the last 2 oz I had to kind of trick him into eat by getting really close to him so he could feel me.
