Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dedication Day!

Owen was dedicated at our church on Father's Day. I thought it was only appropriate since he is such a gift to his Father and I and also a gift from our heavenly Father that he be dedicated on Father's Day. In all 19 people both family and friends joined us at church for this special occasion. A baby dedication isn't like a baby baptism where we think that Owen will go to heaven now just because of the decision we have made. We believe that Owen needs to come to that decision on his own. A baby dedication is where Michael and I are publicly saying we are going to raise Owen in a Christian home in the hopes that one day he will accept Jesus as his Savior. It's also a reminder to the church that they are responsible in a way for Owen coming to know Jesus. By tithing Owen will have a church to attend, by volunteering for the nursery he will have a place to play so others can listen to the sermon and not be disturbed and by teaching Sunday School he will hear about Jesus at a young age from others and not just his mom and dad.

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