Sunday, July 15, 2007

4 Generations of Martin Men

Last night we met most of Michael's family in Tacoma at Applebee's. We were celebrating all the boys birthday's. Michael's Mom and Dad somehow managed to have 4 boys all 4 years apart all born in July. Who knows! The only people that weren't there was Rick, Michelle and their 3 kids. Great Grandma & Grandpa Martin were also there so we were able to get a 4 generation picture with Michael's family.

Owen also got to meet his Uncle Steve and Aunt Shana for the first time. While Uncle Steve was holding Owen he gave him a sugar packet and I guess Owen started shaking it about and sugar went everywhere. Owen must have gotten a kick out of that because Uncle Steve was sure he need to take more sugar packets home with him so he stashed them in his car seat.

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