Thursday, July 26, 2007


Last night was SO much better. Owen went to bed at his normal time, but Michael and I went to bed earlier than normal at around 9:30. Partly because of shear exhaustion from the night before and just in case Owen decided to have another meltdown we would at least have a couple hours of sleep before it started. I drifted off to sleep and the next thing I remember is opening my eyes and seeing the clock say 4:30! YAHOO!!! I specifically remember saying "praise God" in my mind and then quickly adding "please let him sleep until 6:30, please". He did better than that, Owen slept until 7:30 - 11 hours! I did find out when Michael woke up that Owen did start crying at 11:30, but he only cried for 5 minutes and then went back to bed. Poor Michael was thinking, here we go again! I on the other hand was so tired I never heard a thing.

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