Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Tooth!!

His tooth is within the little black oval!!!

Today Owen cut his first tooth!!! Grandma and Grandpa Grant stopped by and Grandma thought she could feel it right below the surface and she told me it would be coming out in a day or two. Later in the afternoon I went to feel it and I pushed a little on his gums and the tooth came right through. It dawned on me that Owen likes to have his milestones happen on holidays. He was born on Martin Luther King Jr Day, dedicated on Father's Day and now his first tooth came on the Fourth of July. He took his first flight the day before Mother's Day so he just missed that one. Happy 4th and Happy 100th post for me!!!


  1. This is so exciting!! Owen's first tooth! I hope he hasn't used it on you yet!

  2. Congratulations little Owen!!! :) YAY!!

  3. Luckily Owen has not bitten me while he's eating...yet!!
