Monday, July 23, 2007

In the sink

This morning I gave Owen his first bath in our kitchen sink. We bathed him in my Aunt Linda's sink when we were in Wyoming, but I've never done it at home. He's getting a little big for his baby tub, but not quite big enough for the bathtub. Besides just the thought of bending over the bathtub and bathing him makes my back starting hurting. He's been sitting up so much better so I thought I would give it a try. As you can see he's not really sitting up, but everything went pretty good. He just got mad at me when I let water run in his eyes.


  1. I love the fact that his own little personality is starting to show-- you can see that sneaky little smile behind that washcloth!

  2. To spare your back from having to bend over the tub once he's too big for the sink, I would recommend just taking him outside and hosing him off and getting one of those car brushes with the long handle to clean him up.
