Friday, July 13, 2007

Swim Trunks

On the Fourth of July I went to Fred Meyer's to go shopping with some friends because there was a great sale going on. I found these swim trunks for Owen and thought they were so cute I had to get them. They have these things called Little Swimmers which are disposable swim pants for kids, but there are just too many of them in a pack and I don't know how many times Owen is really going to go swimming so I just though this was a better deal.

Well as you can see it looked pretty promising, the water was cool, but not cold and it was so hot out it felt good, but then....

Owen just freaked out!!! I swear the neighbors probably thought we were the meanest parents ever. He was not happy at all. I really want to take him to an actually pool so he can float and feel what that's like. After I scooped him up and took him inside I was undressing him and noticed that he had a little cut right where the waistband of the swimming trunks were. Michael checked it out and he couldn't feel anything that could have cut him. I don't remember if I was wearing my rings or not when I was putting them on, but that's the only thing I can think of that might have cut him. It's all healed now, but I'm thinking that was probably half of his problem when he freaked out in the pool. Maybe one day he'll like it.

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