Monday, August 27, 2007

I'll have a side of beef with that...

So I finally gave in and took some of my mom's advise, it's not a very common thing since I like to do things my own way and make my own mistakes. I'm pretty bull headed when it comes to things like that. Anyway, mom was right of course! She has been telling me for a few weeks now that I should go get some beef jerky for Owen to gnaw on because that's what she used to let me gnaw on when I was a baby. In the back of my mind I'm secretly wondering why I'm still alive because surely giving a baby beef jerky would cause said baby to choke. I caved in and watched Owen like a hawk when giving him teriyaki flavored beef jerky. Surprise, surprise...he loved it! I think he chewed on the same piece for about 20 minutes. Moral of the story....listen to your mother!

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