Wednesday, August 8, 2007

World Breastfeeding Week

At 10am this morning Owen and I participated in the Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide attempt for the Guinness Book of World Records for simultaneous breastfeeding in multiple sites. It was sponsored by the La Leche League and on top of going for a world record we were trying to raise awareness about breastfeeding within the first hour after a baby is born. Komo 4 News was there and Owen and I were interviewed. I've already heard from someone that I was on the 11am news so I hope they show it again during the evening news. I would have posted a picture of Owen and I from the event, but we were running late...literally! I was running while pushing Owen's stroller to get there on time and I made it with just one minute to spare. Since I was hurrying I left the camera in the car by mistake!!


  1. Hi Lyn-

    I tried to find something on but they haven't posted anything yet! Hopefully I'll be able to catch this when I get home tonight.

  2. I recorded the segment from the news so we can show it to you guys sometime. It was fun!
