Thursday, October 4, 2007

Round 2

Poor Owen and I have yet another cold! I'm starting to think the first one didn't truly go away since we only had a week of feeling on the up and up. Yesterday I went out and got this product called Little Noses. The nurse at Owen's pediatrician said it helps with clearing out the mucus in his nose. So last night Michael and I decided to give it a try in hopes of clearing out Owen's nose so he could enjoy breathing again. Well I don't think it's actually the product that clears out your nose, it's the crying, no...screaming that happens while you're trying to pin your infant down to get the nozzle anywhere near his nose that actually clears out his nose. Life is so traumatic when your 8 months old!

One good thing is since his cold has come back he's sleeping like an angel again!

1 comment:

  1. You're so cute, Lyndsay! :) I hope the nose thing does work. Let me know!
