Monday, November 5, 2007

Candid Camera

When I found out I was pregnant I decided that I was going to film Michael when I told him so I could capture the moment and share it. Michael thinks I was so mean for doing this. I told him that Owen learned something and I wanted to film him. Owen wasn't very happy while I was recording because this was right before we all got the stomach flu. I found out I was pregnant on October 12th and told Michael that night when he got home. (Nikki - even though it's not CC'd you can totally see the expression change in Michael's face after I said "Owen's going to be a big brother"'s priceless!)


  1. Michael is SO cute with Owen!!! And it was good to see Michael smile big with the news! :)

  2. That is so cool! Thank you for sharing that special moment with everyone:)
