Monday, November 19, 2007

Maternity Clothes...again!

It just seems so surreal to me that I'm wearing these again. I already feel so huge, but I know I'm not. Yesterday I wore maternity clothes for the first time this pregnancy. I didn't start wearing maternity clothes with Owen until I was 13 weeks. I'm only 11 weeks along now, but I guess my body just remembers since it's been such a short time since I was pregnant with Owen. Last night I got out all my other maternity clothes and some a friend lent me and started laundry since they all smelled a little musty. It's actually kind of fun wearing them again because it's like getting a whole new wardrobe!!

1 comment:

  1. You are really really tiny!! :) So cute with that little belly. Amanda was telling me how her doctor told her that the first pregnancy, your body didnt know what to expect, and with the second pregnancy, your body knows exactly whats going on so it feels different. Your body knows when its nauseous from morning sickness now where before it may not have been as bad. The miracles of the human body!
