Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day

After opening our presents we got ready pretty fast so we could get over to my parents house early. We helped set up and ate way too much before dinner was even ready. We had dinner at 2ish and it was so yummy. I have been craving ham for the longest time so it was perfect. There were 16 people in all at Mom and Dad's new house in Orting. It's a good thing it's quite a bit bigger that their old house. They have done so much work unpacking that it was hard to believe they have only lived their 6 days. After dinner we opened presents going oldest to youngest...sort of. It got all messed up along the way, but it doesn't matter. We ended up having Owen open his presents last since he takes forever. Of course he's more interested in the paper and boxes right now than the actual presents. Once we got them out of the box though he enjoyed playing with them. We watched the movie Home Alone during which Michael fell asleep on the floor, most likely from a food coma. Enjoyed dessert later on and headed home around 7ish. It was almost a white Christmas too...we had about 5 minutes of snow early in the day. Too fun!

We'll take a table for 16 please!

Owen eating ham for the first time and being one!

Owen's bouncing zebra he got from Grandma & Grandpa Grant!

Owen and Grandma being silly with a bow!

Ryan and was nice to share Christmas with everyone this year!

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