Monday, April 21, 2008

Elmo Toy and Bath Time

On Saturday night I thought it would be fun to take a bath with Owen in the big tub. I was bathing him in there a few months ago, but the bath seat we have wasn't sticking to the bottom of the tub correctly so it was freaking me out. We haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet so I've just been bathing Owen in the kitchen sink again. It's easier on my back anyways and then I don't have to get in the bathtub with him if I don't want to. So on Saturday night we got the tub all filled up and before we got in we decided to see how far Owen's Elmo submarine toy would go if we wound it up and put it in the tub before any of us got in. It was so cute to see Owen's reaction! He loves his Elmo submarine, but he's never seen it go for that long because the kitchen sink is so small.

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